First Episodes
CFL 1: Introduction to the Four Senses
Catholic Foundation Library #1 According to an ancient tradition, one can distinguish between two senses of Scripture: the literal and the spiritual, the latter being...

CFL 2: The Literal Sense
Catholic Foundation Library #2 In paragraph 116 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, we read "The literal sense is the meaning conveyed by the words of Scripture ...

CFL 3: How should we use the Litteral Sense?
Catholic Foundation Library #3 In Matthew 20:29 and following, and Luke 18:35 and following, we read of the healing of the blind man. Trouble is that Matthew tells u...

CFL 4: The Allegorical Sense
Catholic Foundation Library #4 In paragraph 116, the Catechism of the Catholic Church says that "we can acquire a more profound understanding of events by recognizin...

CFL 5: Anagogical and Moral Sense
Catholic Foundation Library #5 In paragraph 117, the Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that the anagogical sense allows us to " view realities and events in t...